My Videos

  1. 1)A day of fieldwork at the Lammi Biological Station, Finland, June 2013. (video screened below)

  1. 2)In the Spring 2013, a small group of MRG members flew to Borneo, Malaysia, for three weeks of intensive collection of dung beetles in the Jungle of the Sarawak region. (find video here)

My Research in the Medias


ScienceNordic news: “Butterfly hangs on for dear life” link

EarthTimes news: “Butterfly blown away in the Baltic” link

Norwegian science news: “Klorer seg fast i motvind” link



Anne Duplouy

Metapopulation Research Centre

The University of Helsinki

PO Box 65 Viikinkaari 1

00790 Helsinki


e-mail: anne.duplouy(at)